
Hi there!

Okay, first of all, I am sorry about the radio silence lately. Real life has been crazy for the last couple of years and I’ve had so little time for writing. I know my releases have been few and far between. My soul is a little battered and bruised, but I’m gradually carving out more time for writing, so I’m hoping to get back on track.

I am almost done with my first Ariana book in a while. Making Him Howl is Amara’s story and I’m hoping to have it completed soon. It’s in the editing stages where I’m checking for mistakes (I do tend to type like a drunken monkey) and making sure it’s ready. Once done, I’ll get it uploaded everywhere and let everyone know. Yay! I do fully intend to write quite a few more Bearbank books. There are still so many interesting characters who want their stories told, and Anna Russell is nowhere near finished with her matchmaking.

Also, I have sparkly shiny new covers for both Adara and Ariana’s books. Yay! They are gradually rolling out across the various stores.

I still have lots of plans for my Adara personality (*ahem* pen name) too. Once I have Making Him Howl out for release, I’ll be throwing myself back into Kai’s story for book five of the Host. I also have plans for more Blood Mates books, some Old Ones books (I know, I know… I’ve been sitting on the first one for ages), and another new series (that I haven’t even named yet). So many ideas!

Again, I’m sorry about the delay. Life is weird, unpredictable, and has a habit of biting you in the ass when you least expect it. I’m sure you can all relate.

Posted by adaraanderson, 0 comments

News! Finally!

News! Finally!

Hi. I am so sorry for the lack of updates. Life has been crazy and I’ve had so little time.

My mother’s health took a turn for the worse and I ended up as her full-time carer. It was all quite intense for a while and I had no time to myself, hence a complete lack of writing. Now, things are not back to normal but they are hugely improved. I’ve been back to writing/editing again, slower than before but getting it done.

Finally, I’m ready to release a new book. Whoo! “Lord of the Night” will be released on 7th August. This book begins a new series called Blood Mates (which I would not have started if I’d known everything was going to go so wrong with my life!). It is an Adara Anderson book and a spin-off from the Host series (which I promise I am still writing). As the title suggests, this series will focus on the vampires. Although it’s a spin-off, you should be able to read either series without the other. All you’re missing are a few references here and there. “Lord of the Night” is already available to pre-order in all the usual places – except Google Play where there seems to be a hold-up. Links to where to buy are on the Books page of this site. I’ll add the Google Play link when I have it.

So, what’s next? Well, I think it’s time to don my Ariana personality and check in on the residents of Bearbank. After that, I’ll get back to Kai’s book for the Host series.

Hope you missed me at least a little 😉

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What is Adara Up To?

Quite a lot actually! Busy, busy.

At the moment, I’m revamping Teo (The Host prequel novella). It was one of the first things I wrote and I felt it could use a bit of a polish. It’s also been expanded quite a bit! I’m still polishing, but I should have it uploaded everywhere soon. Since it’s longer, I should also be able to get a paperback version made too. Yay!

I’m also reading over the proof copies of Bomani (Adara) and Spot The Hybrid (Ariana), so those paperbacks should be available soon too. Writing-wise, I’m working on Changing His Stripes (Bearbank) and Kai (The Host), while also working on a new spin-off series about The Old Ones. We first heard of The Old Ones in The Host series. Although the series are connected, you can read one without the other. I plan on The Old Ones as being a series of stand-alone books. The first book will be Predicting Ares. I do also plan on a spin-off about the vampires, but I’d better finish Ares’ story first.

Anyway, that is plenty to keep me busy for now!

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Hello there

Hey there!

Welcome to my new look website. Everything has been moved around and tidied up. The biggest change is to the books section. The main page contains thumbnails of the books in each series. If you click on one, you’ll be taken to the page specifically for that book. From there, you can see a bigger picture of the cover, the blurb, and the buy links. It should make it easier to find what you need, particularly as I add new series. Otherwise, you’d be scrolling down indefinitely to get to the newer books.

All the links should be working now. Personally, I’m loving the new look 🙂

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